October 31st for Spiritual Care Day event – 8:00a-4:00p at the Carterville Civic Center Be sure to register by October 24th

Hello all!
I encourage you to join us on Monday October 31st for SIH Spiritual Care Day.

This is an annual event that gives our SIH Spiritual Care staff and volunteers, as well as our area faith community leaders, the opportunity for continuing education, networking and self care.
This year we have a special speaker who wrote the book “See Me As a Person — Creating Therapeutic Relationships with Patients and their Families.”
Mary Koloroutis MSN, RN will give the program with the focus on how we can provide compassionate, “relationship based” care to others.  

Mary believes . . .”The responsibility to offer compassionate care to another human being is something we all share.
Therapeutic relationships help those in our care to cope with illness and to take ownership for healing and health.”

Chaplains, clergy, faith community leaders, Faith Community Nurses and Congregational Health Promoters are welcome!

It is free, and continental breakfast and lunch are included.
It will be at the Carterville Civic Center from 8am – 4pm. RSVP’s are required by October 24th to Ana Kelly at 618.457.5200 ext 67801 or ana.kelly@sih.net.

Please share this invitation with those you feel would benefit.
5 hours of continuing education credit will be available for registered nurses

Thank you — Hope to see you!

“Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in good health, even as your soul prospers.”   3 John 2

Jo Sanders BSN RN
Faith Community Nurse
Health Ministry Coordinator
Southern Illinois Healthcare
Community Benefits Department
1239 East Main Street
Carbondale, IL   62901
(618) 457-5200  x 67830

(618) 922-4539 (cell)

Southern Illinois Healthcare is dedicated to promoting the health and well being of all of the people in the communities we serve.